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Home / Shop / Body Care / Cellulite Slimming Tightening / Anti-Cellulite / Exfoliating Massage Soap – 150gr

Anti-Cellulite / Exfoliating Massage Soap – 150gr


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Exfoliating massage soap with seaweed powder and coffee beans. Stimulates microcirculation and improves the appearance of orange peel on the skin.

Caffeine, seaweed extract and coffee extract, rich in trace elements, have a detoxifying effect and the ability to inhibit lipogenesis, enhance and accelerate the weight loss process while offering tonic and firming benefits.

Contains: Ground Seaweed Powder, Caffeine, Seaweed Oily Extract, Coffee Extract, Coffee Beans.

Απολεπιστικό Σαπούνι Μασάζ Κατά Της Κυτταρίτιδας - 140gr
Anti-Cellulite / Exfoliating Massage Soap – 150gr



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