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Because your personal data and contact information that you provide to are extremely important for the execution of your electronic transaction with us because, as you know, these are, among other things, the only way our company communicates with you for the execution of its obligations to you as well as the orders, you must be sure that the information you have given us is absolutely correct.

Our company takes every possible care to receive from you your correct information and for this reason, you ask at the end of completing your information to re-check this information and then send it to us with your explicit consent.

Therefore, our company does not bear any responsibility in case any of its contractual or legal obligations are not fulfilled correctly and / or in a timely manner due to the sending of incorrect personal information by you. In particular, any notice that will be made to the email address you have given us (eg for lack of product availability, etc.) will be considered valid even if it is not delivered to you due to an error in the information provided by you.

The same applies to the communication and shipping address of the products as well as to the contact telephones. In any case, you are obliged to update your data again every time a change occurs in them.

Registered Users

In order to better serve you and facilitate your future purchases, you should register as users of (log in) when you first send an order request to our company. The data you fill in the special form at remain in the system of our company.

Therefore, during your first visit request order, you are asked to open an account with us and create a user profile (Name, gender and date of birth), using your own unique security codes (username & password).

In this way you create your own unique page – registered user page – which records the history of your purchases, you can track the stage of your new order request, the stage of delivery of the product you have ordered , etc.

When you register as registered users the company may also you as registered users agree to install a system of session cookies solely for your identification and your transactions to create your history as a customer that appears on your personal page and is visible only to you. The above session cookies have the sole purpose of serving the best management of your profile and your transactions so that you do not have to declare your details from the beginning every time you visit

Session cookies are deleted as soon as you are logged out by a registered user.

Privacy Policy

The issue of protection of your personal data is for our company a very serious issue that is treated as a top priority.

Your personal data is collected by our company exclusively and only in the context of transactions with and our communication with you for the completion of your orders, your invoicing, the facilitation of deliveries, the general execution of orders the service of your requests as well as the sending of informative messages in relation to our products and services.

All your personal data which are collected through the special electronic form of are the absolutely necessary for the performance of the above services by us and are subject to your full and unconditional consent / consent provided with the sending your personal data to us.

It goes without saying that you are able to access your data at any time as well as request the immediate deletion of your data, as well as your deletion as registered users.

You are also entitled to exercise at any time all your rights under Articles 11-13 of Law 2472/1997.

In any case, your data is kept by our company only for as long as you are a registered user of and / or for as long as your transactions with us are performed and are deleted as soon as you are deleted as a user and / or the transaction with you is completed.

Also during your visit to it is possible to install session cookies on your PC in order to be able to record the items you place in your shopping cart, even before you register as a registered user in order to sending your order request.

Your personal data is not disclosed to any third party and is managed exclusively by our company.

The only exceptions are:

1) those data related to the execution and settlement of electronic payments via credit card carried out by our trusted partners – financial institutions that follow all the appropriate security procedures to secure your information; and

2) the data that are absolutely necessary for the execution of your order (transport, storage, etc.) by the companies that cooperate with us.

However, all your data is protected and managed in accordance with the terms and rules of Greek law and especially of law 2472/1997, and our company strictly follows all the rules established by the relevant legal framework.

Within the framework of the above legislation, the data kept by our company may be disclosed to third parties, the competent authorities, prosecutors or other administrative services only in accordance with the rules and provisions provided by the respective regulatory framework.

Also, all your data, data and transactions are governed by the principles of confidentiality of communications (electronic and non-electronic) and commercial transactions and all appropriate measures are taken to protect and ensure their confidentiality during transmission and / or and execution of transactions.

The user / consumer / visitor / member of should also safeguard the confidentiality of his data and not make disclosures to third parties (even through his negligence) nor grant the use of his data by third parties. It is also recommended to change the user password (password) at regular intervals.

The company reserves the right for any damage due to faulty violation of the above obligations of the user / consumer / visitor / member of

Finally, in order to complete the ordering process, you accept the sending of automated or personalized e-mails both directly to your PC and in person to the e-mail address that you have notified us as well as any telephone communication to the telephones that you have notified us from its employees. of our company.


Θα θέλαμε να σας ενημερώσουμε οτι η BEE FACTOR  θα παραμείνει κλειστή από τις 10/08 έως και τις 18/08. Οι παραγγελίες που θα γίνουν αυτό το διάστημα θα αποσταλούν με σειρά προτεραιότητας από τις 19/08. 

Καλό καλοκαίρι!